Thursday, October 31, 2019

The support of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Case Study

The support of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises - Case Study Example Furthermore, Marjolein and Henny (2005) indicated that SMEs Support in most countries has been motivated by the belief that this support generates much employment, encourages people, and is widely provide good opportunities to develop new business, and to enhance its competitiveness within effectiveness performance. In the same manner as varied definitions have been given to small and medium enterprises throughout the entire globe, the researcher has also discovered the different ways by which governments support them. According to Sissenich (2007), the extent of the support given to SMEs in different countries have been a very popular area for research as this has been considered to be of paramount importance to the success of the SMEs which could in turn, bring about positive benefits for the economic growth and development of these countries. For instance, the Chinese Central Bank has adopted several measures by which they could help in lessening the difficulties being experienced by the Small and Medium Enterprises in the country. In general, the said support is firmly anchored on four specific policies that are friendly and of paramount importance to the Small and Medium Enterprises. ... he other hand, shows that governments in Africa does not provide any support for the Small and Medium Enterprises for the country thereby contributing to the failure of such in their country. According to the said author, the absence of the said support has been relatively detrimental to the country's economic growth and development. The report entitled Saudis give priority for developing SME sector (2005) showed that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been giving paramount importance to the SME sector since 2005. According to the said report, the country has placed top priority on the said development as a result of their accession to the World Trade Organization. For the authorities in the country, much effort must be given to the reinvigoration and strengthening of the base of the Small and Medium Enterprises as they are the backbone of their economy thus illustrating their importance for the economic growth and development of the kingdom (Saudis give priority for developing SME Sector, 2005). However, there are some aspects of efforts and decisions have been made by the government and private sectors in Saudi Arabia to encourage citizens to establish small to medium- sized businesses. One of these significant decision and extension of support for SMEs in the mentioned state has recently been announced by Human Resources Development Fund (2009) that the (HRDF) decided to provide the applicants, who have already passed the phases of establishing small or medium business and have already received the loan, SR three thousand per month during the first tow years, in order to supply the essential requirements during establishment stage away from the prejudice to the capital. Also the same report listed several organizations that support SMEs, such as Technical and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Proposal for Student Activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Proposal for Student Activity - Essay Example This is because powerpoint presentations will only include the main points of the chapter and will help the students quickly overview each chapter. At end of each chapter, they will be instructed to present their .ppt presentations in front of the whole class so that they get to better understand what they have learnt and may remove any confusions and doubts in the question-answer session at the end of each presentation. This will also help them develop their public speaking skills and gain confidence to speak in front of their class fellows and professor. Another advantage is that they will be able to use powerpoint software to make complex presentations in future. This is all about integrating ICT (information and communication technology) in the classroom which fulfils the most modern needs of today’s classrooms in terms of technology. Doing so will also empower the students because they will be able to convey their knowledge and ask questions at the end of every presentati on. Before implementing this proposal, I will distribute a survey among the students to figure out what percentage of them wants to carry out my plan and how many of them are uncomfortable with idea. Those who will not be willing will be asked the reason and the issue will be solved at immediate basis. The only issue that comes to my mind is that some students may not be expert at using computers or the powerpoint software. Teachers will be arranged to give them some classes on this topic so that they are able to make their independent presentations. This is a prerequisite for the eventual succession plan. I am well-suited to carry out this plan since I am very much impressed by the ICT concepts of today’s technological world and I want to equip the students with the most sophisticated means of education and learning. â€Å"ICT has a distinctive contribution to make to the aims of the national curriculum as a whole† (Qualifications and Curriculum Authority). I am also interested to propose student activities for the ‘Office of Student Life’ and will do my best to achieve my succession plans. The Office can surely entrust me with funding for carrying out this plan because I possess character certificates from previous institutions and believe in that honesty is the best policy. I am able to work on a collaborative platform with the fellow officers and can communicate effectively. I can pass on my ideas to others while convincing them with logics and sound arguments. I am also expert in clarifying technical concepts to the non-technical audience and that is why in this proposal I am taking into special consideration those students who are not expert in computers and am proposing that sessions will be arranged to help them out. My activity club will surely give many benefits to the Office and the university as a whole because its mission is to incorporate ICT tools in classrooms and improve student learning. The purpose of introducing I CT in education is to enhance learning and educational activities of students and support the teaching process by means of computers, internet and the latest technologies (Siraj-Blatchford & Siraj-Blatchford 19). According to Saverinus Kaka, â€Å"education sector can be the most effective sector to anticipate and eliminate the negative impact of ICT. Technology (internet) in another side can be the most

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Learning with Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages

Learning with Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages The present era is an era of technology. Everywhere we are surrounded with technological devices and everyone is somehow familiar with technology. The foundation of all types of technology is laid down in educational institutions. The education in secondary level plays an essential role since it is responsible for the development of society. Therefore, secondary education can be made more effective by the use of technology and all resources made available through technology. This introduces us to the term Educational Technology. The word was recognised in 1967 with the establishment of National Council for Educational Technology in the United Kingdom.  [1]  N. Venkataiah in his book Educational Technology noted that For different reasons educational technology perhaps will perform support or enriching role relative to classroom teaching in college and University rather than serving a replacement for such instruction.  [2]  Every technology has its merits and limitations and no one technology is useful for all types of learning. Benefits of using technology in the learning context We can talk of many benefits and criticism related to the use of technology in education. First we are going to deal with few advantages of making use of technology in the learning context. Technology in the learning process can increase students motivation. Computer based education can give immediate feedback to student and the right answers. Moreover a computer can give student motivation to continue learning, since a computer is patient and non-judgemental. According to James Kulik, who studies the effectiveness of computers used for leaning, students usually gain more in less time when receiving computer-based instructions and they build up more positive approach to the subject learned.  [3]  The American educator, Cassandra B. Whyte thought that successful academic performance in the future will depend on how computer usage and information technology would become important in the education experience of the future.  [4]   Educational technology provides the way for students to be active participants in their learning and to present differentiated questioning approaches. It expands individualized education and encourages the progress of personalized learning plans. Students are encouraged to use multimedia components and to integrate the knowledge they achieved in innovative ways.  [5]   Criticism to Learning Technology Although technology in the classroom does have many benefits, there are clear shortcomings as well. Not having proper training, limited access to enough quantities of a technology, and the additional time required for many running of technology are just a few reasons that technology is often not used widely in the classroom. Similar to learning a new task, special training is vital to ensure effectiveness when using things like technology. Training is a must when dealing with technology and education. Since technology is not the end goal of technology, but a means to be more effective in learning, educators must having a good grasp of the technology they can use or they are using and its advantages over the traditional means. If there is a lack of training, the use of technology will not give the all the good results that are given when technology is being used correctly. Another difficulty that which might arose when using technology for teaching/learning is the access to an enough amount of resources. Many teachers use technology by using a projector or screen, to show picture or videos, since there are not enough computers available for the students in order to be used by them and create or use it during the lesson. This also occurs when there is limited amount of access to technology because of high cost of technology and the fear of damages. There other cases when there the inconvenience of resources in such cases, such as having to transport the whole class to a computer lab or media room.  [6]   One of the disadvantages of using technology in education is that it is time consuming. Teachers had to prepare not only their lesson plans but had to prepare these resources using technology, which for teachers not familiar with technology can be a bit of headache. Another major issue which arise is that technology is too fast evolving. New resources have to be designed whenever the technological platform is changed. Changing for many times is not possible because of expenses and therefore there is the need to train teachers in order to know how to use new technologies.  [7]   But even there are all these disadvantages, one had to continue support the use of technology while investing in training of teachers, creating resources and made them available. Technologies of information and their implementation in learning In this part we are going to deal with some of the technologies of information available that can be used in education. While observing their strengths and weaknesses, we are going to evaluate their implementation in the teaching/learning context. Interactive Whiteboard An interactive whiteboard is a large display connected to a projector and a laptop/computer. By using a pen, stylus or finger users can control what is seen on the display through these tools. So, by touching the screen one manages and controls the computer. Through a pen/stylus the user can calibrate the system if necessary, activate programs, buttons and menus found on the computer which is connected to the interactive whiteboard. If the user wants to enter text, can either make use of on-screen keyboard or else can utilize handwriting by using the pen/stylus. As technology and software programs are continuing to develop, there is an increase in interactivity, since interactive whiteboards are being supplied with software programs that provide all necessary tools and functions which can give the ability to create virtual versions of paper flipcharts with pen and highlighter options. Such softwares also include tools like protractors, rulers and compasses to make use of traditional teaching tools, since students are more familiar with and more available to use.  [8]   Interactive whiteboards are being used in many schools as a replacement for the traditional whiteboards or flipcharts or video/media systems. Interactive whiteboards can be used to connect to online shared annotations and drawing environments. The software helps teacher to keep electronic records of their note for later use. Also, teacher can record their instruction which they had done during the lesson on the interactive whiteboard, which can be saved as a digital video format and then can post this material for review and revision by the students. This is an advantage for the students to see a revision of what had been done in school, especially when something was not understood well, when they are absent or when they want to revise for examination. Some software programs used with interactive whiteboards allow also the recording of the teachers voice.  [9]   Obviously the main advantage of this technology is interactivity as the name reflects. Students also by the help of the teacher can make use of the interactive whiteboard during the lesson, to choose picture, drawing, write and more. Research by Glover and Miller on the impact of interactive whiteboards in secondary schools, shows that even interactive whiteboards are a technology more than a computer, their use in schools and by teachers reflects that their potential is unrealized. According to the authors of this research the use of interactive whiteboards by teachers is made in three ways: as an aid to efficiency, as an extension device, and as a transformative device.  [10]   Even if technology always is done for the benefit of humanity and to make life more easer, interactive whiteboards also were criticised by many for diverse reasons. According to the Washington Post article, published in June 11, 2010: Many academics question industry-backed studies linking improved test scores to their products. And some go further. They argue that the most ubiquitous device-of-the-future, the interactive whiteboard essentially a giant interactive computer screen that is usurping blackboards in classrooms across America locks teachers into a 19th-century lecture style of instruction counter to the more collaborative small-group models that many reformers favour.  [11]   The Londons Institute of Education in a report on the interactive whiteboards says that, Although the newness of the technology was initially welcomed by pupils any boost in motivation seems short-lived. Statistical analysis showed no impact on pupil performance in the first year in which departments were fully equipped.  [12]  The report also emphasize such issues such as the fact that teacher gives more importance to the new technology than on what pupils should be learning. It was noted that the focus on interactivity as a technical process can lead to everyday activities which were being overestimated and also that in lower-ability classes it would slow the pace of whole class learning since individual pupils took turns at the board.  [13]   Internet In many countries and homes, the Internet and the World Wide Web in particular can be considered as part of the household and as common household term. This is proven by amount of reference to internet in the daily life and the amount of time which people, especially those who are still studying in schools, spend surfing on the internet.  [14]  The popularity of internet had made it as an important tool in education both as a great resource and as tool in class. The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that are accessible to billions of users around the globe. It is a network of networks that is made up of so many networks which are private, public, academic, business and government use. The internet holds a vast range of information resources and services.  [15]   When for the first time teachers were introduced to the internet, there first reaction was about the tremendous educational potentials which exist on the internet. Internet was seen as an instrument to answer the learning needs of many students since it have vast amount of resources.  [16]   The use of internet adds something new, some real value, to teaching. The internet offers a tremendous way of communication between students themselves and with experts regarding the subject they are studying. Moreover students can join groups which discuss their favourite subject to continue enhance their information regarding that particular subject.  [17]   The internet can be a support when teacher using animation, pictures, maps, images and other resources. For example when studying the land in which Jesus lives, to which the student has never been, a virtual tour to some of the landmarks through the internet can make the lesson more attractive and interesting, since they are not only imagining what the teacher is saying about the Holy Land but also seeing how the Holy Land looks like. The use of internet is in contrast with the use of textbooks. Many of our textbooks can be considered outdated. The use of internet can gives us the opportunity to include current data in our lessons. On the other side the internet has also its weaknesses. Teaching involves human process that cannot be automated or manufactured. One important instrument of teaching is the human touch, which cannot be replaced. The extreme use of internet and computer lead to lacking of human touch when computer replace teachers.  [18]   Moreover there is no solid confirmation that computers develop positively students performance, since stories of success are isolated cases. This may result due to time needed for teachers to develop good applications to be used in classrooms. Even if the Internet improves learning, no one is yet to prove that the advantages of teaching using the Internet significantly outweigh the advantages of using other cheaper information media. Every new technology brings with it positive and negative impact. Nobody has taken time to analyze the negative impact of exposing children to the Internet may have on their social development.  [19]   Microsoft PowerPoint or other presentation software The use of PowerPoint during teaching has a significant amount of potentialities for encouraging more visual use and more proficient presentations, since one can put text, audio, videos, pictures, graphs and much more. PowerPoint is a widely used presentation programme which had originated in the business world but today had found also a very comfortable place in the world of teaching. The popularity of PowerPoint in educational technology stem directly from one of its famous features, that is, the ease of use, also by those who cannot be considered as experts on computer.  [20]   Good use of PowerPoint enhances the teaching and learning experience of both teachers and the students. This is continuously developing since the Microsoft Corporation which created PowerPoint is endlessly developing and adding more features to its software to make it more easy and professional look like, such as the integration of video clips and words at the same time and the use of the presenters view, in order for whom is doing the presentation to see what comes next or work with other programs at the same time. As well, the templates provided can help to make simple professional look of the presentation in order to be more effective and successful.  [21]   PowerPoint software also gives the accessibility to print what had been shown in the presentation in order for students to have a copy of the presentation shown during the lesson. Few are those disadvantages when using PowerPoint. An important element when using PowerPoint is the way how teachers should use it when they are making use of it in classrooms. Teacher should give attention to not have large amount of material on one slide which can make difficult for the students to comprehend what the teacher is actually doing in the lesson.  [22]   Video clip The use of video clips in education is developing very faster, since time has pass on static images and pictures. Today we are developing the idea of movement in pictures and in our presentations. The fact that video editing programs are now available for everyone to use on his personal computer, the trend that is developing is to create videos to enhance more the attention and motivation of the students. This developing is made easier through websites such as and, where one can upload his videos while others can see and download for personal use. This innovative idea had created a planet of video resources which can be use for teaching. Conclusion The use of these available technologies and others can make our teaching more effective and interesting. This use of old textbooks and methods of learning are a bit out of this world, since students are all surrounded by this new technologies which are developing very fast. This does not mean that we have to trash all old methods and textbooks but it is important to incorporate technology to make lessons more enjoyable, creative and effective.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free College Essays - A Separate Peace :: A Separate Peace Essays

A Separate Peace "Holding firmly to the trunk, I took a step toward him, and then my knees bent and I jounced the limb." This is a quotation from the novel A Separate Peace, written by John Knowles. My focus in the following will be on Man's Inhumanity to Man. There is a strong relation of this to the novel for which I read. My first point which I will talk about is about Finny's tragic fall and how Gene was the cause of it. My support from the story is Finny's desire to jump from the tree. Gene said that he was coming to join him but Finny reminded him about studying. Gene's thoughts on the matter were, "He had never been jealous of me for a second. Now I knew that there never was and never could have been any rivalry between us, I couldn't stand this." My second support is Gene's actions leading to the accident. He took a step toward the trunk, put his knees and jounced the limb. Thus, Finny lost his balance and tumbled to the ground. My third support goes back to the scene of the accident after Gene watches Finny fall. And he thinks to himself, "It was the first clumsy physical action I had ever seen him make." More less, this is a sign of pride within Gene as he watches the good athlete, Finny fall out of the tree. My second point is on the scene where Brinker brings Finny and Gene to the mock trial to let everyone know the real truth about the cause of the accident. In other words, it was a way of blasting away Gene and shoving his reputation as a respected individual into the ground. My support from the story is when Brinker and three acquaintances come into Gene and Finny's dorm and pull them out. After they entered the Assembly Room, Brinker remarks, "You see how Finny limps." This phrase was the beginning of his plan to set the truth loose, or primarily break the friendship link between Finny and Gene. Brinker chose the Assembly Room as the setting for this trial since there is nothing humorous about the place. It is a place which would be terrible for Gene's sake to talk about the cause of the accident.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Project Management Essay

By carefully assessing the skills necessary, the relative challenges that such position entails, and the supplementary benefits it contributes to an individual, gives me more reason to be interested in the position as a project manager. Seeing this, it is only proper for an individual to be fully capable to handle such diverse and strenuous work. In the end, by carefully assessing the relevant information regarding project management, only then can an individual assert his/her capabilities to operate in such scenario. Looking at the position closely, it involves multi-linked process that is a determinant for an overall completion of a particular project. Free Management library mentions that â€Å"project management is a carefully planned and organized effort to accomplish a specific (and usually) one-time effort, for example, constructing a building or implement a new computer system. † (1997) Due to this, the project manager should efficiently and effectively coordinate all important and vital segments of the project to ensure and assure its clientele of its relative success. Apart from the challenging scenario involved in the realm of project management, project managers also have the benefit of acquiring different skills needed that can be used in further endeavors and future goals. This may prove to be an important determinant for relative career goals as the work trends during this time demands more adaptive and skilled workers. Free Management Library Mentions further states that â€Å"therefore, it’s important to have skills in forming, leading and facilitating groups. (1997) Dwelling further into the realm of skills acquisition, one thing inviting about the position of project manager is its capability to hone leadership skills as well as logical skills which remain to be a vital part of the overall conduct of work. I want to point out the importance of leadership skills because of its capabilities and lasting effects it can contribute not only to the individual but to the overall dynamics of the group as well. The position of project manager not only enhances and creates avenues for project development but at the same time a method in augmenting leadership capabilities of an individual. Another important reason why I want to become a project manager is the relative challenges it promotes as far as success is concerned. In the creation and formulation of new ideas, risks are involved. These risks can either create hindrances or failure of the project to be implemented further. In the end, a skillful project manager must balance clientele’s plans and at the same time opinions and perceptions of people under him. Only by doing this can the project manager be successful. Also, I am fascinated in the way project manager handles all the decision-making processes. This is one such reason why I am interested in the position of project manager – due to its capabilities to enforce its own decision making. Though such may prove to be good for the part of the project manager, there are numerous setbacks and risks involved. Making the wrong decisions can mean problems for the overall success of the project. In addition, the blame shall only be given to the project manager for every failure and setbacks due to poor decision making. Seeing this, there are indeed positive outcomes and challenges posed by the position of development manager. However, with the relative positive outcomes, the position remains to be challenging and worthy of getting. That is why, given these reasons, I still want to become a project manager in the near future.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Organizations Essay

An organization can be defined as a group of persons or individuals that unite to perform a common task. Each individual within an organization usually has a relatively well-defined job description, so that the group is â€Å"organized† in a way that will ensure that all tasks necessary for the completion of the goal will be covered. Organizational behavior involves applying the behavioral theory of how persons act within groups to the practice of working within organizations. It is the practical application of research done in such disciplines as psychology. The approach taken in organizational behavior is known as â€Å"systems† through which relationships are probed and defined according to the level of organization and the types of individuals that make them up. The human side of organization is directly related to organizational behavior, as it acknowledges the factors such as personality and behavior that may cause different types of managerial strategies to be employed. The personality of the manager may cause him or her to display a certain type of leadership style, while the personalities of employees may make it necessary for the manager to display a different style. Because an organization is made up of humans, it is practically impossible to separate it from the behaviors that are common to humans. Work is an important part of human life. Because people spend so much energy preparing and educating themselves for the jobs they perform, work tends to define the individual. Also, a large portion of any person’s day is spent doing the work from which they derive monetary and other resources. Therefore, work is more than just a means of earning money. It is also a method of channeling one’s creativity and can be the area in which one offers a unique gift to mankind. I, for example, take inventory for a copier company and I enjoy it because it allows the staff of the company to remain organized. My job is also necessary as it allows the managers and owners to have tangible evidence of the company’s health by gauging the speed at which the stock leaves the shelves and goes into the hands of consumers. Finally, it is a fulfilling job because I am able to make sure that customers are satisfied when all the goods they need are there on the shelves. Reference

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Abortion3 essays

Abortion3 essays Women must have access to safe abortion. No matter how any of us feel about embryos and fetuses and their "rights"...about women and sex and responsibility...about God's will, Karma, or the Bible...the fact still remains: Women have always used abortion as a last resort to prevent the birth of a child, and they always will, regardless of what the laws say or the rest of us think. But when abortion is illegal, it is unsafe and dangerous. Therefore, abortion must be legal, and it must be accessible too. Here are some reasons why legal abortion is necessary, taken from various sources available online and offline. Even if you disagree, take a look! Laws against abortion kill women. Making abortion illegal has little effect on the number of abortions, as history and present-day evidence from all over the world show. But illegal abortion is much more dangerous. In the 1930s, there was "an epidemic of criminal abortion" in the United States. The number of births dropped by about half, as women who refused to bring children into a depressed economy resorted to illegal abortion to end their pregnancies. As a result, about 2500 women died each year from abortion complications, accounting for nearly one in four maternal deaths.1 From 1950 to 1965 in the US, there were 200 to 250 abortion-related deaths reported each year, a number that is acknowledged to be lower than the true death count.2 But even using these statistics, and assuming that illegal abortion was two or three times as dangerous as legal abortion at that time, a simple calculation shows that there were at least 500,000 illegal abortions each year.3 It's not worth the death of one woman if that's what it would take to cut the number of abortions by 60%, let alone fifty or a hundred women. Thanks to changes in the law, today the mortality rate from legal abortion is almost zero, and abortion accounts for only 3% of maternal d ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Rock Tumbler Basics and Buying Guide

Rock Tumbler Basics and Buying Guide Basically, there are two ways you can go about buying a rock tumbler. You can pick up the standard educational-toy model online or at most toy stores or you can get a hobbyist/professional model. Whats the difference? The Standard Model Most toy stores carry various takes on the same model of ​a  rock tumbler. This is a rotating tumbler that comes with rocks, grit, and some jewelry findings. This model is fun and can last indefinitely with proper care. Be advised that your choice of rock size is limited by the small rotor power and that it may be difficult to get replacement parts (e.g., broken belt from overweighted tumbler). Rotating Tumblers The toy stores carry a type of rotating tumbler, where the rocks fall over and over and over, polishing rocks in much the same manner as the ocean has for millions of years. I recommend buying a tumbler from a company that has been around a while, with an established record of quality and service. Eventually, you will need a replacement part; you want the company to still be there when that happens. Lortone offers several sizes of tumblers, some with double barrels.   Vibrational Tumblers Vibrational or agitating tumblers dont actually tumble the rock, but use either ultrasound or spin around the vertical axis. They cost a bit more, but have two characteristics that make them more desirable for certain users: they polish rocks much more quickly and they retain the essential shape of the rocks rather than producing only rounded rocks. They are a bit quieter, too. Raytech is an established manufacturer of vibrational tumblers (and other lapidary equipment). Size Does Matter ...and for most people price does too, so balance the needs of your inner rock hound against the limitations of your bank account. Tumblers are sized according to the weight of the load they can continuously bear. The most common cause of rotor failure and belt breakage is improper or over-loading of the barrel. Smaller barrels hold smaller rocks (no big surprise), so larger barrels can hold both bigger rocks and more small rocks. Double barrels can be used to polish lots of rocks or to ensure a really good polish (if you reserve one barrel for that purpose). Helpful Preparation Tips Okay, so youve selected your tumbler! First, keep the time it takes to tumble in your mind (about a month for a rotating tumbler/ week or two for vibrating or agitating types). Get vaseline to seal the barrel against leaks! Buy extra grit (unless you want to keep that as an excuse to go out and buy more stuff). If noise is a concern, consider getting a cooler or other sound insulator to house the tumbler.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Benefits and Strategies of Performance Management

Benefits and Strategies of Performance Management Armstrong and Baron define performance management as ‘a process which contributes to the effective management of individuals and teams in order to achieve high levels of organisational performance. As such, it establishes shared understanding about what is to be achieved and an approach to leading and developing people which will ensure that it is achieved’. They go on to stress that it is ‘a strategy which relates to every activity of the organisation set in the context of its human resource policies, culture, style and communications systems. The nature of the strategy depends on the organisational context and can vary from organisation to organisation.’ In other words performance management should be: Strategic – it is about broader issues and longer-term goals Integrated – it should link various aspects of the business, people management, and individuals and teams. It should incorporate: Performance improvement – throughout the organisation, for individual, team and organisational effectiveness Development – unless there is continuous development of individuals and teams, performance will not improve Managing behaviour – ensuring that individuals are encouraged to behave in a way that allows and fosters better working relationships. Armstrong and Baronstress that at its best performance management is a tool to ensure that managers manage effectively; that they ensure the people or teams they manage: know and understand what is expected of them have the skills and ability to deliver on these expectations are supported by the organisation to develop the capacity to meet these expectations are given feedback on their performance have the opportunity to discuss and contribute to individual and team aims and objectives. It is also about ensuring that managers themselves are aware of the impact of their own behaviour on the people they manage and are encouraged to identify and e xhibit positive behaviours. So performance management is about establishing a culture in which individuals and groups take responsibility for the continuous improvement of business processes and of their own skills, behaviour and contributions. It is about sharing expectations. Managers can clarify what they expect individual and teams to do; likewise individuals and teams can communicate their expectations of how they should be managed and what they need to do their jobs. It follows that performance management is about interrelationships and about improving the quality of relationships – between managers and individuals, between managers and teams, between members of teams and so on, and is therefore a joint process. It is also about planning – defining expectations expressed as objectives and in business plans – and about measurement; the old dictum is ‘If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it’. It should apply to all employees, not just managers, and to teams as much as individuals. It is a continuous process, not a one-off event. Last but not least, it is holistic and should pervade every aspect of running an organisation. How does performance management work? Because performance management is (or should be) so all-pervasive, it needs structures to support it. These should provide a framework to help people operate, and to help them to help others to operate. But it should not be a rigid system; there needs to be a reasonable degree of flexibility to allow people freedom to operate.

Friday, October 18, 2019

WK 3 Final Project Matrix Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

WK 3 Final Project Matrix - Essay Example ich can be offered in classrooms by specialized teaches, early intervention specifically by parents via use of direct and brief commands and positive attention to the behavior of the child (Rosenberg et al, 2007). This is a condition that exhibits an inability for learning unexplainable by sensory, intellectual, or health factors, inability to sustain, even build, relationships with teachers or peers, inappropriate feelings or behaviors in normal circumstances, and a tendency for the development of fears or physical symptoms associated with learning institutions (Rosenberg et al, 2007). There are two types of classification systems: clinically and statistically derived. Statistical system uses the individual’s level of difference in frequency and rate as compared to their normative samples extracted from the same population as the subject, while clinical systems utilize diagnostic and descriptive criteria associated with communication and physical disorders (Rosenberg et al, 2007). Behavioral characteristics include increased aggression such as abusive, violent, and destructive behavior, breaking of rules wt the belief that boundaries are not applicable to them, non-compliance with requests or instructions which disrupts social and academic development, social withdrawal including excessive solitary play, low verbalization rates and infrequent interaction with peers, anxiety of a severe kind and depression (Rosenberg et al, 2007). The prevalence of this disorder in the US accounts for approximately 0.73%. African Americans are 1.7% more likely to suffer from it than Native Americans are. Sufferers are also more likely to come from poor, single parent households, more likely to be boys, and are more likely to change schools often (Rosenberg et al, 2007). These include service delivery, for example, individualization, support, and monitoring, early intervention that includes developing programs with developmental timing, program intensity, direct instruction

Zimbardo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Zimbardo - Essay Example Most people believe that they act according to their own values. If a person commits a crime, psychologists study this person in detail trying to identify what personal traits or events in biography forced motivated further criminal activities. Personal dispositions are not the only factor which makes an individual behave in a certain way. It is interesting to what extent social context motivates behavior of the individual. Surprisingly, it can become the major influence under certain circumstances. Dr. Zimbardo entitles this phenomenon of individual transformation Lucifer effect. According to Zimbardo, â€Å"evil is the exercise of power to harm, hurt and destroy† something or someone. There are certain conditions when dominance becomes the way to cope with a huge stress. For instance, the Abu Ghraib prison tortures happened in totally stressful atmosphere. War motivated hatred between US soldiers and Iraqi prisoners. The prison building was bombarded during the day and all people experienced daily fear to die. They did not leave the prison at all (Zimbardo). As a result, they transformed their stress into dominance over the weak. Zimbardo’s theory does not seek for the â€Å"bad apple†; it aims at finding a â€Å"bad barrel†. Any particular situation is a result of the system. If the system has some space for bad things to happen, they will happen. System can be represented by the organization, community group or the whole civilization. It involves a wide range of factors; cultural, legal and social norms restrain behavior of an individual (Zimbardo). In Abu Ghraib, the US military organization to control prisons was a failure. One person was assigned to control 3 prisons but she never showed up there; there was no supervision at all. People who worked in prisons had no day offs. They had 12 hour shifts and worked all day long. Higher rank officers ordered to torture the prisoners creating the situation of diffused responsibility. Functioning in that system

Teens and Drunk Driving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Teens and Drunk Driving - Essay Example This research paper would be presenting those circumstances, the thought process of teenagers, the reaction of teenagers towards drinking, and the hazards of driving after drinking. The drunk driving by the teenagers is another topic under discussion by the school systems, parents, and media because it brings lots of dangers and hazards from both safety and health point of view. The arguments for this statement would be presented in the rest of the paper. Driving is a very responsible duty but driving while being intoxicated or drunk is highly regarded as irresponsible and risky for the drivers because it increase the risk of accidents, injuries and deaths every year around the globe. Drunk driving to the limit where driving capabilities become impaired with that of driving motor vehicle is highly prohibited legally in almost every country in the world. In fact, it is a crime in most countries around the world. In some countries, for example, Canada, the prohibited amount for driving starts from Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) 80mg/100ml of blood. People get drunk in parties and friends or family gatherings and drive recklessly which is dangerous not only for the driver, but the people sitting with in the vehicle and the other pedestrians (Mittelman and Inc NetLibrary 178). The issue of drinking by the teenagers is there sinc... Drinking - Forbidden Fruit for Teenagers The issue of drinking by the teenagers is there since centuries. It has been said that young adults used to drink buckets of ale in the Pre-Revolutionary America. At present, in the present United States, drinking publicly is prohibited for the young adults less than twenty-one years of age. This has created the image of liquor as forbidden fruit for the teenagers. The number of drunken teenagers is growing rapidly these days and it is considered very harmful for the young adults. The drinking habits of teenagers can start from occasionally at indoor family gathering (which is obviously comes under the restrict guidance of parents or guardians) and then can grab the habit of becoming habitual with friends and off campus whenever they get a chance. Although, the teenagers are not legally permitted to buy liquor from any authorized dealer or store, but they somehow find a way by bribing an adult friend who could easily buy all the required drinking materials for his young adult friends . The increasing number of drinking teenagers has increased the tension between the school systems and parents because they get highly tensed how to overcome this problem by convincing their kids not to drink liquor (Jacobs 13). The reason for extreme limit of drinking by the teenagers is because of the fact that they are not allowed to have it openly and is prohibited from their parents, guardians and school systems. This not only increased their urge to drink liquor more frequently, but they ought to take drinking as adventure while partying and having little friends' get together. The drinking slowly and gradually turns into habitual drinking which is very dangerous from the health

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Martin Wong Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Martin Wong - Essay Example He focused his attention completely to painting. His move to New York came as a friendly challenge. He did drawings and made ceramics at art fairs. He was known as Human Instamatic before then. He made $7.5 per portrait he drew. By 1978, his record had been 27 fairs in a single day. His friends challenged him to move to New York since he was evidently superb at his job. Although the works of Martin Worth inspired the growth of hip hop culture, his creative arts leaves little to be desired in perpetuating societal values. Wong’s mature career began a few years before moving to New York. The works ranged from heartfelt renderings of the decaying Lower East Sides to playful and almost kitschy depictions of China Towns of San Francisco and New York. He drew and painted traffic signs for the hearing impaired too. Perhaps, the best known and remembered collaborative works of Wong is the alliance between him and Miguel Pinero, the Nuyorican poet. His paintings often combined the poetry of Pinero and the painstaking stylized finger spellings and cityscapes he drew and painted. The artist’s Loisaida pieces coupled with his collaboration with Pinero formed part of the Nuyorican movement (Wong 12). Nuyorican Movement that Wong became a significant part of refers to an intellectual and cultural movement that involves poets, artists, writers and musicians who are Puerto Rican descendents or have association with Puerto Rico and live near New York. He joined the group that had his origin in the 1960s and 1970s within the neighborhoods such as East Harlem, South Bronx and Loisaida as a means to validate the Puerto Rican experience in the United States of America. It was meant to better the standards of the poor and the working class populaces that suffered from ostracism, marginalization and discrimination. The term that they gave the group of artists was used as an insult until renowned artists such as Miguel Algarin

Using Of Natural And Eco-Friendly Materials Research Paper

Using Of Natural And Eco-Friendly Materials - Research Paper Example Environmentally friendly fashion is good for the universe, is good for human beings, is good for animals, and lasts for a long time. The environmentally friendly fashion is, therefore, sensitive to the environment using the advancing technology to create recycled and synthetic materials. The environmentally friendly fashion aims at creating a balance in nature through preservation of biodiversity. The environmentally friendly fashion strikes a balance between profit, people, and the planet (Stapley-Ponikowski para. 4). Every product is created from raw materials and energy. The raw materials that make the make these products have different effects on the environment. The manufacturer is required by the law to use products that have minimal damage to the environment. To be able to achieve this feat the manufacturer has to consider the following options while creating his product (Sympatico Clothing para. 7). The material that is used to create plays a vital role in the amount of damage the environment has on the environment. Products created from materials that are less harmful to the environment have less damage than those made from harmful materials. Heavy metals such as lead and mercury affect our environment causing endless loss of lives to the flora and fauna. Companies seeking to protect our universe from extinction should use less harmful materials to manufacture their products (Stapley-Ponikowski para. 5). To limit the amount of damage caused to the environmental organizations should consider using a reduced amount of material to create their products. The use of a smaller amount of materials will require the company to critique whether their product would still be viable after the reduction.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Teens and Drunk Driving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Teens and Drunk Driving - Essay Example This research paper would be presenting those circumstances, the thought process of teenagers, the reaction of teenagers towards drinking, and the hazards of driving after drinking. The drunk driving by the teenagers is another topic under discussion by the school systems, parents, and media because it brings lots of dangers and hazards from both safety and health point of view. The arguments for this statement would be presented in the rest of the paper. Driving is a very responsible duty but driving while being intoxicated or drunk is highly regarded as irresponsible and risky for the drivers because it increase the risk of accidents, injuries and deaths every year around the globe. Drunk driving to the limit where driving capabilities become impaired with that of driving motor vehicle is highly prohibited legally in almost every country in the world. In fact, it is a crime in most countries around the world. In some countries, for example, Canada, the prohibited amount for driving starts from Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) 80mg/100ml of blood. People get drunk in parties and friends or family gatherings and drive recklessly which is dangerous not only for the driver, but the people sitting with in the vehicle and the other pedestrians (Mittelman and Inc NetLibrary 178). The issue of drinking by the teenagers is there sinc... Drinking - Forbidden Fruit for Teenagers The issue of drinking by the teenagers is there since centuries. It has been said that young adults used to drink buckets of ale in the Pre-Revolutionary America. At present, in the present United States, drinking publicly is prohibited for the young adults less than twenty-one years of age. This has created the image of liquor as forbidden fruit for the teenagers. The number of drunken teenagers is growing rapidly these days and it is considered very harmful for the young adults. The drinking habits of teenagers can start from occasionally at indoor family gathering (which is obviously comes under the restrict guidance of parents or guardians) and then can grab the habit of becoming habitual with friends and off campus whenever they get a chance. Although, the teenagers are not legally permitted to buy liquor from any authorized dealer or store, but they somehow find a way by bribing an adult friend who could easily buy all the required drinking materials for his young adult friends . The increasing number of drinking teenagers has increased the tension between the school systems and parents because they get highly tensed how to overcome this problem by convincing their kids not to drink liquor (Jacobs 13). The reason for extreme limit of drinking by the teenagers is because of the fact that they are not allowed to have it openly and is prohibited from their parents, guardians and school systems. This not only increased their urge to drink liquor more frequently, but they ought to take drinking as adventure while partying and having little friends' get together. The drinking slowly and gradually turns into habitual drinking which is very dangerous from the health

Using Of Natural And Eco-Friendly Materials Research Paper

Using Of Natural And Eco-Friendly Materials - Research Paper Example Environmentally friendly fashion is good for the universe, is good for human beings, is good for animals, and lasts for a long time. The environmentally friendly fashion is, therefore, sensitive to the environment using the advancing technology to create recycled and synthetic materials. The environmentally friendly fashion aims at creating a balance in nature through preservation of biodiversity. The environmentally friendly fashion strikes a balance between profit, people, and the planet (Stapley-Ponikowski para. 4). Every product is created from raw materials and energy. The raw materials that make the make these products have different effects on the environment. The manufacturer is required by the law to use products that have minimal damage to the environment. To be able to achieve this feat the manufacturer has to consider the following options while creating his product (Sympatico Clothing para. 7). The material that is used to create plays a vital role in the amount of damage the environment has on the environment. Products created from materials that are less harmful to the environment have less damage than those made from harmful materials. Heavy metals such as lead and mercury affect our environment causing endless loss of lives to the flora and fauna. Companies seeking to protect our universe from extinction should use less harmful materials to manufacture their products (Stapley-Ponikowski para. 5). To limit the amount of damage caused to the environmental organizations should consider using a reduced amount of material to create their products. The use of a smaller amount of materials will require the company to critique whether their product would still be viable after the reduction.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

African American Characteristics Paper Essay Example for Free

African American Characteristics Paper Essay African American culture in the United States refers to the cultural contributions of Americans of African descent to the culture of the United States, either as part of or distinct from American culture. The distinct identity of African American culture is rooted in the historical experience of the African American people. The culture is both distinct and enormously influential to American culture as a whole. African-American culture is rooted in Africa. It is a blend of chiefly sub-Saharan African and Sahelean cultures. Although slavery greatly restricted the ability of Americans of African descent to practice their cultural traditions, many practices, values, and beliefs survived and over time have modified or blended with European American culture. There are some facets of African American culture that were accentuated by the slavery period. The result is a unique and dynamic culture that has had and continues to have a profound impact on mainstream American culture, as well as the culture of the broader world (Rydell, 2010). Learning Team B has chosen African Americans as the culturally diverse group we will focus on. The subjects in this paper will be African American history, family characteristics, parenting practices, language, and religion. Also, the primary characteristics of African Americans and how those characteristics impact their experience as a subculture in American Society will be a topic. The last topic will be the implications of the characteristics for psychological theories and practices. History African Americans are the descendants of Africans brought to America during the slavery era. Many were owned as property and forced to work as day laborers in the fields or as servants in their owner’s homes. Others were allowed to work off their debts by being bough and sold on the block. An article titled The Slave Auction of 1859 gives a brief account of what it was to be sold on the block: The buyers, who were present to the number of about two hundred, clustered around the platform; while the Negroes, who were not likely to be immediately wanted, gathered into sad groups in the background to watch the progress of the selling in which they were so sorrowfully interested. The wind howled outside, and through the open side of the building the driving rain came pouring in; the bar down stairs ceased for a short time its brisk trade; the buyers lit fresh cigars, got ready their catalogues and pencils, and the first lot of human chattels are led upon the stand, not by a white man, but by a sleek mulatto, himself a slave, and who seems to regard the selling of his brethren, in which he so glibly assists, as a capital joke. It had been announced that the Negroes would be sold in families, that is to say; a man would not be parted from his wife, or a mother from a very young child. There is perhaps as much policy as humanity in this arrangement, for thereby many aged and unserviceable people are disposed of, who otherwise would not find a ready sale (New York Daily Tribune, 1928). President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, as the nation approached its third year of civil war. The proclamation declared that all persons held as slaves within the rebellious states are, and henceforward shall be free. Despite this expansive wording, the Emancipation Proclamation was limited in many ways. It applied only to states that had seceded from the Union, leaving slavery untouched in the loyal border states. It also expressly exempted parts of the Confederacy that had already come under Northern control. Most important, the freedom it promised depended upon Union military victory. History pages often claim President Lincoln as The Great Emancipator which most educated adults come to learn is an over exaggeration. The general consensus is that Lincoln never freed a single slave, and only used the proclamation as a means to get what he wanted from the states. Once freed most African Americans still experienced racial violence and lived in fear for many years. In 1870 the fifteenth amendment was added to the constitution giving blacks the right to vote. Although blacks were free they were still segregated from the white people, made to go to different schools, stores, and even ride at the back of the bus. In 1954 the supreme courts declared segregation in school unconstitutional due to the Brown vs. The Board of Education of Topeka Kansas. The civil right movement was at its peak during 1955-1965. Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, ensuring basic civil rights for all Americans, regardless of race, after nearly a decade of nonviolent protests and marches, ranging from the 1955-1956 Montgomery bus boycotts to the student-led sit-ins of the 1960s to the huge March on Washington in 1963. In 1968 President Johnson signed the Civil Right act prohibiting discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of housing. Some of the most famous leader of the civil right movement includes Martin Luther King Jr. , Thurgood Marshall, Rosa Parks and many others. Although civil rights were established many African American still struggled to be treated fairly in America. Affirmative Action was established in 1978 by a ruling of the Supreme Court to ensure that minorities are given an opportunity that they may have missed because of their race. In 2008 Barack Obama was the first African American to be nominated for a major party nominee for president. He was elected the 44th President of the United States on November 4, 2008, and sworn in on January 20, 2009. Family and Parenting Characteristics As with most cultures, African Americans place a high value on their families. In the United States African American family’s make-up 12. 9 percent of the population according to the 2003 US Census. The US census also shows that for African Americans over the age of 15 there are 34 percent married, five percent separated, eleven percent divorced, seven percent widowed, and 43 percent were never married. According to the First Things First website, â€Å"African Americans are the most un-partnered group in America† (Medium, 2011, para. 4). One major goal of African American families is communalism, which is very important for effective functioning (Hall, 2010). Hall (2010) describes African American families as having three family types. The first type is the cohesive-authoritative that is explained to be a family with high cohesion along with being supportive, nurturing, and involved with their children (Hall, 2010). The second type of family is the conflictive-authoritarian that is defined as families with conflict and the parents are controlling, critical, and express unhappiness with children (Hall, 2010). The last type of family Hall (2010) explains is the defensive- neglectful, that did not like other racial groups and also did not teach their children to be proud of being an African American. One significant trend that has been determined about the African American family structure is that the more interconnected the family is, the lower the rate of depression in African Americans (Hall, 2010). Based on these findings, a program called Strong African American Families has been created in order to strengthen the relationships between parents and children. According to Hall (2010), â€Å"The Strong African American Families program also has been found to reduce preadolescent risky sexual behaviors, preadolescent alcohol use, and parental depression among African American families† (p.95). This kind of program has been very effective in keeping families cohesive and helping to improve the goal of communalism. Language Generations of hardships imposed on the African American community created distinctive language patterns. Slave owners often intentionally mixed people who spoke different African languages to discourage communication in any language other than English. This, combined with prohibitions against education, led to the development of pidginsimplified mixtures of two or more languages that speakers of different languages can use to communicate. Examples of pidgins that became fully developed languages include Creole, common to Louisiana, and Gullah, common to the Sea Islandsoff the coast of South Carolina and Georgia (Rydell, 2010). It is sad to think that slave owners intentionally put Africans with people who did not speak their language to discourage communication, but is have been researched and proven to be true. Slavery is not the only element to African American culture, and it often seems that when discussing African American culture slavery is the main topic. However, when discussing language the centuries of slavery that they endured have everything to do with the evolution of African-American language. Now that we have covered the origin of African American language we can discuss the American perspective of where modern day African American language stands, and how this effects the culture. African American Vernacular English (AAVE)—also called African American English; less precisely Black English, Black Vernacular, Black English Vernacular (BEV), or Black Vernacular English (BVE)—is an African Americanvariety(dialect, ethnolect and sociolect) of American English. Non-linguists sometimes call it Ebonics(a term that also has other meanings or strong connotations) or jive or jive-talk. Its pronunciation is, in some respects, common to Southern American English, which is spoken by many African Americans and many non-African Americans in the United States. There is little regional variation among speakers of AAVE. Several creolists, including William Stewart, John Dillard, and John Rickford, argue that AAVE shares so many characteristics with Creole dialects spoken by black people in much of the world that AAVE itself is a Creole dialect; while others maintain that there are no significant parallels. As with all linguistic forms, its usage is influenced by age, status, topic and setting. There are many literary uses of this variety of English, particularly in African-American literature (Rydell, 2010). Of course this information does not imply that all African Americans speak a version of AAVE, only that it is very common and prevalent throughout the modern day African American culture. Religion In the African American community religion plays an extremely significant role. The story of African-American religion is a tale of variety and creative fusion. Enslaved Africans transported to the New World beginning in the fifteenth century brought with them a wide range of local religious beliefs and practices. This diversity reflected the many cultures and linguistic groups from which they had come. The majority came from the West Coast of Africa, but even within this area religious traditions varied greatly. Islam had also exerted a powerful presence in Africa for several centuries before the start of the slave trade: an estimated twenty percent of enslaved people were practicing Muslims, and some retained elements of their practices and beliefs well into the nineteenth century. Preserving African religions in North America proved to be very difficult. The harsh circumstances under which most slaves lived—high death rates, the separation of families and tribal groups, and the concerted effort of white owners to eradicate heathen (or non-Christian) customs—rendered the preservation of religious traditions difficult and often unsuccessful. Isolated songs, rhythms, movements, and beliefs in the curative powers of roots and the efficacy of a world of spirits and ancestors did survive well into the nineteenth century. Historically during their most difficult times the African American relied on their religious beliefs to endure. During the civil rights movement black churches were often the target of racial violence because that was a place that African Americans spent most of their time. This was a place where they often held meetings to discuss their civil rights efforts. African Americans practice a number of religions, but Protestant Christianity is by far the most prevalent. Some African and African American also follow the Muslim and Judaism. According to Fife, Kilgour, Canter and Adegoke (2010), â€Å"African spiritual traditions have historically held a central place in African American communalism (Mbiti, 1990) and were vital to survival during the time of slavery. In African and African American culture the concept of spirituality is inseparable from all other aspects of human experience. The spiritual and the physical are indistinguishable (Mbiti, 1990). A deep connection exists between humans, God, family, and group (Barrett, 1974). Spirituality is not compartmentalized into systematized beliefs and practices but woven into everyday experience (Boyd Franklin, 1989). The Black church is the primary means through which many African Americans express their religious and spiritual beliefs and values (Richardson June, 1997). This institution is a central force in African American childhood and adolescent identity and helps to shape ideas about what comprises community. † Many African American children have christen ceremonies for they can even walk or talk. African American families generally spend a substantial amount of time within their places of worship. Conclusion For review, the big questions the above research addressed were: †¢What are the primary cultural characteristics of this selected group? †¢How do the characteristics of this group impact its experience as a subculture in American society? †¢How might the cultural aspects of this group be applied to traditional psychological theory? †¢What are the implications of these characteristics for psychological theory and practice? We have found that the primary cultural characteristics of the African America culture are their history of slavery in America, distinct family and parenting practices, slavery based evolution of their language, and their dedicated religious beliefs. The characteristics of this group impact its experience as a subculture in American society by enticing others in to the culture and sparking curiosity around the world. African Americans make up a small percentage of the minority in America. However African American culture dominates the world of music, fashion, and professional sports. The cultural aspects of the African American group can be applied to traditional psychological theory when considering family dynamics, cultural perspectives, and how these aspects influence mental health. The implications of these characteristics for psychological theory and practice would focus on how the African American history of slavery in America influences their world view, how family and parenting practices mold their ideals of what a family should be, how religion influences their beliefs and actions, and how language distinguishes them from others and what psychological impact this has on them as a whole. For many years African-American culture developed separately from mainstream American culture, both because of slavery and the persistence of racial discrimination in America, as well as African-American slave descendants desire to create and maintain their own traditions. Today, African-American culture has become a significant part of American culture and yet, at the same time, remains a distinct cultural body. References Fife, J. , McCreary, M. , Kilgour, J. , Canter, D. , Adegoke, A. (2010). Self Identification Among African American and Caucasian College Students. College Student Journal, 44(4), 994. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Hall, G. C. N. (2010). Multicultural psychology (2nd ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Medium. (2011). First Things First. Retrieved from http://firstthings. org/page/research/african-american-family-facts New York Daily Tribune, March 9, 1859 reprinted in Hart, Albert B. , American History Told by Contemporaries v. 4 (1928). Retrieved from http://eyewitnesstohistory. com Rydell, R. J. , Hamilton, D. L. , Devos, T. (2010). NOW THEY ARE AMERICAN, NOW THEY ARE NOT: VALENCE AS A DETERMINANT OF THE INCLUSION OF AFRICAN AMERICANS IN THE AMERICAN IDENTITY. Social Cognition, 28(2), 161-179. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Honeys Learning Cycle Nursing Essay

The Honeys Learning Cycle Nursing Essay This essay will discuss why I think an understanding of learning styles is useful to the student nurse by focusing on reflection using the Honeys learning cycle and how it helps to demonstrate the importance of recognising ones learning styles. It will provide an understanding of learning and theories of learning. It will also discuss my dominant learning style and how I will develop an aspect of my weaker style to support my learning process on the programme. For the student nurse to understand and identify their learning style, he or she has to understand the theories of learning. Gould, J. (2009) stated that different theorists will have different ideas as to what constitutes learning and different arguments and evidence to support their position. Learning has so many definitions. Learning can be defined in various ways depending on whether one is focusing on learning as an internal process or one is thinking of learning as a series of external inputs and output. Since there is no simple way to define learning, I would describe learning as the process of acquiring, interpreting and understanding information through various ways at any place and given time such as life experiences, formal and informal education. Therefore, learning can be described as an input, process and product. Peter honey (2006) described learning as a skill that needs to be consciously reviewed and developed. Pavlov (1927) and Skinner (1953) used the behaviourist approach to establish that learning is a change in behaviour brought about by some action or experience. (Cited by Gould Jim, 2009). From a cognitive perspective, learning can be defined as a change in cognitive structures; the way in which we perceive events and organise experiences to arrive at an understanding. (Gould Jim p 46). Eysenck and keane (2005) states that learning is concerned with the internal process of the environment, and deciding what action might be appropriate. Many researchers have adopted Kolbs (1976) experiential learning theory and applied it to different educational areas because it explains more about the learning theory. It is useful for the student nurse to familiarise ones self with the learning cycle, as it helps to understand the process of learning. Peter Honeys learning cycle suggests that we learn through an experience, but only if we process or interpret the experience and make sense of it. These can be done by following the stages of the learning cycle which includes having an experience, reviewing the experience and planning the next step. For instance when the student nurse goes on placement, one is expected to adhere to the necessary nursing midwifery code of conduct by delivering effective and quality care. To do this, one has to reflect on ways to develop new skills and ways do things differently. For example, Mr Y made a complaint that your level of communication is poor. To reflect on the situation, review the experie nce you had with Mr Y by asking yourself what you did wrong and observe the way your colleagues, mentor and other healthcare workers communicate with other patients. Then focus on the differences you observed between the way you and your mentor approached the patient. And conclude by learning what your mentor did differently e.g body language, tone, speech, good eye level. One has to have critical thinking skill in order to be able reflect on experiences (p.25). Moons (2008) states that critical thinking for us is a process, where different information is gathered, sifted, synthesised and evaluated, in order to understand a subject. He went on to suggest that the ability of a nurse to think critically will enable the nurse to function as a knowledgeable doer i.e. someone who selects, combines, judges and uses information in order to proceed in a professional manner. (Cited by bob p.8.) Bob argued that reflection is a process whereby experience is examined in ways that give meaning to interactions. Therefore, the student nurse has to evaluate and understand the subject or experience before he or she interprets it. The learning cycle can begin at any one of the four points and it should be approached as a continuous process since the four stages of the learning cycle are mutually dependent on another (Honey 2006 p.6.) People have preferences for everything. Since individuals learn at different rates and in different ways, there is a very high possibility that they would have a preferred style or way of learning. Learning styles are the preferred ways we perceive and interact to the various elements and in any learning situation. Different things affect the way we learn e.g. background, culture, religion etc. For example some students enjoy listening to a lecture and making their own notes, while others who also enjoy listening to the lecture prefer to have handouts to read at a later time. Peter honey identified four main learning style preferences. These learning styles include activist, reflector, pragmatist and theorist. Since most people develop strategies to help cope with studies and work, it is important for the student nurse to recognise ones learning styles or methods in order to maximise the way one will learn. Learning style preferences influence the way a student responds to the learning opportunities within any educational experience and affects their ability to direct their own learning. (Oshea, 2003). Our preferred style of learning influences the way one will tend to organise and present information. Student nurses will find understanding learning styles useful because it will help improve their skills in placement or in their future nursing career by broadening their repertoire. Recently, it has been established that nurses who want to specialise in areas require a broad skill base involving advanced technical expertise, critical thinking, communication, leadership and motivation, computer literacy and cultural sensitivity (Bechtel et al 1999). Recognising ones learning style encourages the student nurse to reflect and learn from any experience one might face during practice placement and also, enable the student nurse to create ways of doing things differently and better if the experience were to happen again. Frankel, A.  (2009)  stated that a skilled and competent workforce ensures patient safety, and will be able to recognise and respond to clinical need more appropriately. Awareness of ones learning style allows one to learn at best whether learning is taking place in the classroom or at placement. Terry (2001) stated that learning styles and the promotion of effective learning environments have been a focus of research for many decades (cited by Wetzig 2004 p.2). According to (Frankel 2009) study, the ability to learn, understand, interpret and then apply learning to practice has a significant impact on delivering effective clinical care. The student nurse is always faced with different challenges or experiences in placement; it is therefore the responsibility of the student nurse to reflect on his or her role during placement. This process is called reflection on action (evaluation) and reflection in action (decision making). Evidence suggests that through improving students awareness of their own learning style, they are better able to take responsibility for their own learning, which leads to improved learning outcomes (Fritz 2002). It is also the responsibility of the student nurse to work alongside the mentor and other health care workers to maximise ones potential. The literature review according to (Frankel 2009) supports the view that consideration for individual learning styles is fundamental in designing effective training programmes and that learning is a key concept and value which underpins nursing and its development. Kolb (1984) identified four distinct learning styles based on a four-stage learning cycle. Building on Kolbs work, Honey (2006) developed the Learning Styles Questionnaire to help identify ones learning style. Using the learning style questionnaire (Honey, 2006), I have been able to identify my learning styles as a theorist and reflector because these are the best ways am able to learn new things or skills. My dominant learning styles emerged after completing the questionnaire, my highest overall score (10) was for the Theorist category, these indicates my dominant learning style, while, the reflector category represents my predominant learning style. I believe these findings to be true as I am able to remember or visualise ideas in my head from diagrams, tables and mind maps. I take thorough notes in lectures and when studying textbooks and I usually study better by myself. As a reflector, I like to think and look at a situation from different perspectives before taking any action. I am always quiet and always try to listen attentively in order to grasp what the teacher is saying. Researching and reviewing information carefully has always been my way of study before coming to any conclusions or decisions. I was also able to identify my weaker styles as an activist and pragmatist. Knowing my underutilised learning style can help me as a student nurse to get the necessary help I require and to undertake activities to develop the weaker learning style. Honey (2006) argued the best learners are equally comfortable with all the stages in the learning cycle. Therefore, it is important to strengthen ones weaker styles to be able to learn as whole because having preferences can lead to distortions. Cottrell (2003) advises that whether you discover that you have a learning style preference or not, it may change because we are adaptable creatures (cited by davis Nicholas p.8). Effective learners make full use of their dominant preferences, while also developing and acquiring useful features from their underutilised styles. In nursing, learning occurs best in practice by preparing oneself to undertake other learning styles such as reflecting on the experience you had in placement. This will enable the student nurse to make the most out of the experience. (Nicola p.80). As a student nurse, my learning occurs both in the university and within practice, so I need to be prepared to learn in more than one way. I will consider investing more time and energy in the parts of the learning cycle that I am least comfortable with. I will ensure that I am aware of the activities that both an activist and a pragmatist will learn best and least from. The ways to strengthen my activist style is by taking calculated risk, increasing my tolerance for spontaneity and trying out different ways of doing things, while the ways to strengthen my pragmatist style is by being realistic, exploring new ideas and judging the usefulness of ideas based on practicality. I will also seek for help and support from the university and course tutor.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Genetically Transgenic Crops :: Argumentative Persuasive Farming Essays Papers

Genetically Transgenic Crops In today’s society, farming has become far more complicated than one could imagine. In farming, the procedure involves a lot more than the raising of cattle and the planting of specific seeds into the soil or land fields. Yes, there is a lot more to worry about besides just the physical aspect of it. There are also decisions which have to be made in order to begin farming correctly and safely. Decisions which pose the question of should, and will the transgenic crops process be followed through nationwide? Our population may not even realize it; but the much needed decisions as this that will determine the fate of our world as we know it. At the cutting edge of technology and science, there seems to be a large debate about whether or not commercial plantings of transgenic crops are allowed. This is the issue at hand. One of the countries facing this conflict is Britain. The situation in Britain is just like the article written by Jim Giles which is titled, â€Å"Damned if they do damned if they don’t†. This article basically states that there is a huge problem with the idea of genetically modified crops being supported. I feel that his opinion on the subject matters, just as my scientific opinion does, because it is the population of the people that truly matters. The government wants to support the biotech industry, but on the other hand, it also wants to appease its closest ally, which happens to be the United States. Commercial cultivation of genetically, modified crops is an argument that is said to have been played out in Britain over any other country. In Britain, the government has prepared for decision time by conducting the largest trial of genetically modified crops ever, and they are looking forward to gathering as much evidence about their impact on biodiversity as possible. The outcome is bound to influence the debate in other countries where similar skirmishes are taking place. In the developing world, there are some areas that are for transgenic crops; such as sub-Saharan Africa which is emerging as an important new battleground. Other’s are not sure if they are for it or not; and a few are India and China. As a matter of fact, they are not even really concerned about this issue, but more concerned about whether or not the transgenic technologies will be from agribiotech or home-grown. Genetically Transgenic Crops :: Argumentative Persuasive Farming Essays Papers Genetically Transgenic Crops In today’s society, farming has become far more complicated than one could imagine. In farming, the procedure involves a lot more than the raising of cattle and the planting of specific seeds into the soil or land fields. Yes, there is a lot more to worry about besides just the physical aspect of it. There are also decisions which have to be made in order to begin farming correctly and safely. Decisions which pose the question of should, and will the transgenic crops process be followed through nationwide? Our population may not even realize it; but the much needed decisions as this that will determine the fate of our world as we know it. At the cutting edge of technology and science, there seems to be a large debate about whether or not commercial plantings of transgenic crops are allowed. This is the issue at hand. One of the countries facing this conflict is Britain. The situation in Britain is just like the article written by Jim Giles which is titled, â€Å"Damned if they do damned if they don’t†. This article basically states that there is a huge problem with the idea of genetically modified crops being supported. I feel that his opinion on the subject matters, just as my scientific opinion does, because it is the population of the people that truly matters. The government wants to support the biotech industry, but on the other hand, it also wants to appease its closest ally, which happens to be the United States. Commercial cultivation of genetically, modified crops is an argument that is said to have been played out in Britain over any other country. In Britain, the government has prepared for decision time by conducting the largest trial of genetically modified crops ever, and they are looking forward to gathering as much evidence about their impact on biodiversity as possible. The outcome is bound to influence the debate in other countries where similar skirmishes are taking place. In the developing world, there are some areas that are for transgenic crops; such as sub-Saharan Africa which is emerging as an important new battleground. Other’s are not sure if they are for it or not; and a few are India and China. As a matter of fact, they are not even really concerned about this issue, but more concerned about whether or not the transgenic technologies will be from agribiotech or home-grown.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Multiple Access Relay Network :: Technology, Network

We consider a multiple access relay network where each source transmit channel coded packets, relay decode the transmitted packet, generate network coded parity symbol, and retransmit it. We assume the relay has multiple antennas, so relay to destination link is MIMO channel. We consider two MIMO transmission mode at the relay, spatial multiplexing (SM) and beamforming as transmit diversity (TD), and assume that the relay use different network coding scheme depending on the MIMO transmission mode. In other words, we consider a network with three types of linear combination; channel coding at the source, network coding at the relay, and mixing over the air with MIMO channel. The main objective of the paper is to propose a transmission mode selection scheme at the relay which optimize these three linear combinations concurrently. There are numerous work that optimize either the network coding, MIMO transmission mode, or data rate over multiple access relay channel. Network coding techniques for single antenna relay network has been addressed in [1] - [4]. Authors in [1] investigated the cooperative diversity gain offered by the network coding. Authors in [2] proposed a network coding scheme based on low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes that accounts for the lossy nature of wireless networks and showed that a significant coding/diversity gain can be achieved. Author in [3] investigated the tradeoff between reliability and rate as a function of node density and SNR, and showed how the energy and node density can be traded in achieving a given reliability-rate pair in single antenna case. Authors in [4] analyzed an network coded cooperation which adaptively match networks-on-graphs to the well-known class of codeson- graphs such as LDPC codes. This approach enables realtime adaptation of network codes to variant link states and changing network topologies. Network coding for multiple antennas have been studied for special network geometry in [5], [6]. Authors in [5] proposed a cross-layer design employing multiple antenna techniques and network coding called MIMO two-way relay for one dimensional mesh network and authors in [6] investigated the performance of MIMO network coding in bi-directional relay network. Adaptive relay protocol has been proposed for a network with single antenna relays in [7] - [9] and for a network with multiple antennas using amplify and forward protocol in [10], [11]. Authors in [11] proposed an adaptive antenna selection scheme at both the relay and the source for half-duplex MIMO amplify and forward relay protocol. Rate optimization for relay network has been addressed in [12], [13]. Authors in [12] proposed throughput optimal control policy for a parallel relay network with decode and forward protocol. Authors in [13] analyzed the performance of variable-rate two phase collaborative diversity protocols and optimized the transmission rate based on the node location.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Morality and Person Essay

Now I want to tell you a few words about myself. I am 168 sm tall a nice-looking girl with a fair complexion. As for my figure, in my view I am not fat, but I am exceedingly well-fed. My face is oval, I have green, warm eyes and regular, large features. My eyebrows are arched and bushy and my hair is brown, waved and luxuriant. I have got even teeth, a round chin, a broad, open forehead and curving eyelashes. I am a Sagittarius by a horoscope. Frankly speaking, I trust others easily and expect in turn to be trusted. I like exchanging ideas and see the bright side of things. Generally speaking, I am imaginative, creative, and well-read. But I can be hot-headed and cruel with enemies. Apparently, I am a gambler at heart and risky. My parents believe that I am individualistic, very shy and intelligent. From their point of view I am a calm and composed person. But they also think that I can be very idle and irresponsible, because I don’t always help with the household chores. As for my teachers, they think that I am a hardworking, quick on the uptake, average, funny student. They tell me that I seem to be really trying my best to finish my school work and maintain my good grades. Unfortunately, sometimes I don’t pass all my work in on time, and to be quite honest, my teachers think that I am a bit lazy person. And they don’t think I work as hard as I am capable of. My friends think of me as a ball of fire, cheerful and a mixed up person, because I love sports, serials, different kinds of books, films and I am fond of almost everything which connect with mysticism. All in all, just talking and walking with my friends makes me very happy. Some of my friends think that sometimes I am a mean person and a bore. I fully agree with the fact that usually I can me an awful bore but I don’t know why they are sure that I am a mean person. I am a person with strong morals who desires to do the right thing to the entire humanity. As for my plans about my future, I haven’t decided yet. I am very interested in learning different foreign languages. And that’s why I think a lot of becoming a translator or a reporter. It’s not ruled out that I will become a lawyer. My life challenges and experience since childhood have given me an opportunity to develop a good understanding of the person I am. Because of my ideals, my ambitions to see these ideals in society and even to help put these ideals into play sometime in the future, I believe myself to be an idealistic person. In conclusion, I do not regret my good moral standing. I appreciate my strict and loving parents who contributed to the person I am today. I remember hard decisions that I made to remain honest and they have come a long way in improving my personality. All in all I am a person who believes that honest is the best policy.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Coke as Cleaning Agent Essay

Trademark Facts Coke is known for being the most recognized trademark in all of the world, boasting a near 94% brand recognition by the world’s population. One contributing factor to this statistic is a long-term partnership with the Olympics. This partnership began at the 1928 Summer Olympics in Amsterdam. In 1983, Diet Coke was launched in Australia and within 12 months became the number two soft drink of choice in the country, after Coke. Coke also boasts over 500 brands and more then 1,200 bottling plants in various parts of the world. Sponsored Links Industrial Hand Cleaner Antibacterial, Protective Hand Soap Multi-purpose Ind. Hand Solutions Consumer Facts According to, it is estimated that nearly 10,450 soft drinks from Coca-Cola are consumed every second of every day. Ten bottles of Coke on average were consumed during the first year that Coke was distributed. In 2009, it is estimated that more than one billion servings are consumed every single day. Cooking Agent Facts Coke can also be used in different cooking situations. Many people will pour a whole can of Coke into a baking pan and then wrap up the ham or other meat of choice in aluminum foil. They will then bake the ham while it is resting in the pan filled with Coke. It is said to produce a very moist ham once it is all done. Cleaning Agent Facts Surprisingly, Coke can be a great cleaning agent as well. It can be used to clean corrosion off of car battery terminals, to loosen a rusty bolt or help to remove film off of your car windshield. One of the most bizarre uses for Coke is to use it as a cleaning agent for the toilet. Supposedly, you can pour a can of Coke into the toilet, let it sit for several minutes, and then flush the toilet. The result: a clean and functional toilet. Read more: Facts About Coke |

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

A view from a bridge by Arthur miller Essay Example for Free

A view from a bridge by Arthur miller Essay Arthur Miller (560) , Bridge (30) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints ? At the beginning of act 2 in â€Å"a view from a bridge† Arthur Miller creates tension in a number of ways. The first way Arthur miller creates a sense of drama by using body language eg) Eddie’s arm â€Å"jerks slightly in shock† the body language of Eddie is Eddie showing his feelings of disapproval of Katherine and Rodolpho going out together to add to Eddys anger the fact that they both come out of the bedroom together. This shows Eddies love for Katharine but he is becoming far too over protective over Katherine. Arthur Miller also creates tension through the use of short sharp sentences through the scene as well as the repetition of key phrases during the scene, eg) when Katherine says â€Å"I think I can’t stay here no more† when Eddie says â€Å"You aint goin’ nowheres† after that Katherine says: â€Å"Eddie I’m not gonna be a baby anymore† these are all extremely short sentences used within quick succession. The use of short sentences like this is to heighten the drama by showing the views that the characters are in an angry and aggressive as mood well as showing Katherine’s new fear of Eddie and that something is inevitably going to happen. Certain unexpected key events occur in this scene, which shock the audience and create a heightened dramatic impact. This is when Eddie â€Å"reaches out suddenly, draws her to him, as she strives to free herself he kisses her on the mouth† then Rodolpho tells Eddie â€Å"have respect for her† after that: â€Å"Rodolpho flies at him in attack. Eddie pins his arms, laughing and suddenly kisses him. This shows that Eddie’s feelings for Katherine are so powerful that they are uncontrollable; this causes the audience to be shocked and lose respect for Eddie. As well as these happenings, emotions are revealed in this scene, which heightens the tension. This is shown best by Katherine’s fear of Eddie because she usually shows such admiration for Eddie. Eddie crying is also eddy showing emotion â€Å"Eddie strands of tears rolling down his face as h laughs mockingly at Rodolpho. † While Katherine â€Å"is staring at him in horror† Katherine and Rodolpho are also behaving â€Å"out of character† by showing disrespect towards Eddie. Katherine usually acts childish towards him as if Eddie really is her father; and Rodolpho is usually trying to avoid conflict with Eddie as well as trying to win Eddies approval over Katherine Craig young 11vk The mix of violence, humiliation and control in this scene all help to create dramatic impact. This is shown when Rodolpho is violent towards Eddie â€Å"Rodolpho flies at him in attack. † This shows the audience how Rodolpho has changed his attitude towards Eddie. Eddie shows control by forcibly kissing Katherine and then Rodolpho. Eddie does this to show his authority over Katherine and Rodolpho, and to degrade Rodolpho by showing that he has control over him. Further more proving that, Eddie is stronger than Rodolpho. In conclusion the contrast between the events with Eddie and Katherine and the mood of Alferi’s speech at the end of the scene, also creates a sense of tension; due to the contrast between the short sharp aggressive sentences earlier on in the scene then when Alferi speaks there becomes longer calmer sentences, this contrast creates a sense of tension by making the audience think that something more is going to happen. As well as this a part of Alferi’s speech makes the audience realise that something terrible was inevitably going to happen â€Å"but I will never forget how dark the room came when he looked at me; his eyes were tunnels. I kept wanting to call the police, but nothing had happened. Nothing at all had really happened. † This shows that Alferi had the feeling that something had already happened so it seems almost certain that something would happen. A view from a bridge by Arthur miller. (2017, Oct 08).

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Mayos Theory of Management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Mayos Theory of Management - Coursework Example Mayo’s studies propose some specific views on employee-manager relations. He opined â€Å"a tension between workers’ ‘logic of sentiment’ and managers’ ‘logic of cost and efficiency’†, which have the potential to lead to organizational conflicts. Lussier argues that in an organizational setting, a manager is responsible for enlightening his workers about the planned organizational changes (41). Therefore, workers get a clear idea regarding their future assignments. When the managers do not pass relevant information to employees, they would be unaware of the implemented organizational changes. Under such situations, managers and other people at the helm of affairs may unethically manipulate the workers. In my opinion, a manager would be fully responsible for unethically manipulating the worker, if the worker is unaware of the change. According to Illouz, Mayo’s management theory reflects that the workers should be seen as me mbers of a group rather than isolated individuals (p.117). He continues that the demand to belong to a group is more important to an employee than acquiring monetary incentives or satisfactory working condition. These ‘social needs’ of the workers can be met only if the managers ensure that the workers are well informed of the changes. In total, in order to integrate the workforce with organizational interests, managers must consider the employee as an inevitable element of the organization.