Friday, October 4, 2019

An analysis into the Biblical Story of Jonah Research Paper

An analysis into the Biblical Story of Jonah - Research Paper Example As a further means of understanding these complexities, this brief research paper will delve into the determinants of the story of Jonah and seek to find the most compelling and powerful comparisons and references to other Biblical concepts as can be found. The first aspect of the story of Jonah that bears mention is the time period in which tit took place. As anyone who has a modicum of understanding with regards to the nation of ancient Israel can readily attest, the nation was one that soon became drunk on their own â€Å"chosen† status. Whereas it was indeed iterated by God time and again throughout the Old Testament that He had set them aside as a people and that they were indeed his most believed among all the earth, the underlying purpose for this was all too often forgotten or missed entirely by the shareholders and religious leadership within the country. Instead of seeking to integrate an understanding of appreciation and humility for such an honored space in all of the nations of the earth, the nation of Israel developed an overtly haughty and arrogant posture that understood the blessing to mean that all other nations should bow at their feet as they were the gifted and blessed of the Almighty (Hamel, 1995). This was a fundamental error due to the fact that God ultimately intended this blessing to cause a type of leadership among the nations of the earth. By providing the nation of Israel with such a benevolent gift of superiority and love, it was the intention that they would then take these gifts, or talents, and utilize them as a witness unto all of the other nations and peoples; showing the manner in which God’s love and affection could present one of the greatest gifts that mankind had ever seen. However, as can be seen through various stories, inclusive of the story of Jonah, the extent to which this ideal was actually realized was all but non-existent. Instead, the nation of Israel turned to an arrogant interpretation of Godâ₠¬â„¢s blessings and began to hoard their status; requiring constant exile and humiliation to seek to re-integrate with them the present need to be a missionary nation – a beacon to the world. Jonah exhibits much the same arrogance with regards to God’s directive to speak to the people of Nineveh. This aspect of calling and rebellion is not only a central theme to the story of Jonah but also to the way in which humanity ultimately relates to the presence and voice of God within Christianity. This again strikes at the very concept of truth and the means by which an individual integrates with this. Although there are many different means to interpret many theological theories and passage of the Bible, the story of Jonah does not leave one with a great deal of leeway with regards to the means by which it can be interpreted. Ultimately, a man is met with the difficult requirements that God insists must be carried out, the man then decides that the commands are nonsensical a nd ridiculous and thereby shirks the responsibility, then necessitates a chain of actions to be brought down

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